Military & Service Leaver CV

Service professionals sometimes find it difficult to get a foothold in the civilian work environment when they wish to leave the services.

Obviously, there isn't much call for tank drivers on typical high streets, but it isn't just tank drivers who have difficulty finding work on civvy street, but military professionals across the board, including skilled technicians and highly experienced officers.

Military and Service Leaver CV

Apart from the fact that service leavers often underestimate the quality of the competition on the civilian job market, part of the problem is that your CV needs to appeal to civilian employers, so often you need to come at things from a slightly different angle (or in some cases a completely different angle), and be a bit more creative, and work a lot more on transferable skills on your CV than usual. This is easier said than done, and there is more to it than meets the eye. However, if you are a service leaver and are looking for a good civilian job, then you need to do this well.


If you require any help in this respect, then please do not hesitate to contact us. Our consultants have vast experience helping service personnel land good civilian jobs.

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