Does the perfect CV exist?

If you believe some people then there is such a thing as a perfect CV. Unfortunately this is quite a naive and unrealistic assertion.

Actually, there is no magical, multipurpose perfect CV with universal wow factor for any job. Simply put - each person is different, their circumstances differ, every job is different and employers look for different things.

Writing Perfect CVs

Consequently, even if you have a perfect CV for one job application then pretty much by default it is imperfect for the next application.

That said, if you have a good CV to begin with, which is properly targeted and optimised for one job, then it isn't such a difficult task to tweak it for similar jobs. The main thing is having a good CV to begin with. This is far easier said than done, but fortunately you have come to the right place.

We do not believe you will find better CV anywhere else than at CV Consultants.

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The above original content is based on extracts from a comprehensive CV book by one of our senior consultants. It is not for copy or distribution.

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