CV Styles

CVs styles come in a wide variety of shapes, styles and formats, ranging from the big, long and bold, to the short, neat and tidy.

Some people will tell you in no uncertain terms that your CV needs to be one particular style, with a particular font, of a certain size in an exact order. However, this just isn't the case. At the end of the day, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and CVs just like any other written document are subjective to some degree. So whilst most employers prefer something neat and compact, this doesn't mean to say that some other employers may prefer something with large pink headers.

CV Styles

That said, even though there is no accounting for subjectivity it does pay to play the odds; and as mentioned most employers do prefer something compact, neat and tidy. And whilst your CV does need to stand out from the crowd, really this relates to the content and how you sell yourself rather than going over the top in a desperate attempt to get noticed.

More advice on CV Styles

If you are good enough you will be able sell yourself in a slick and professional format, in black ink on good quality plain paper. You shouldn't have to resort to fancy graphics and fluorescent orange laminate. Indeed, if you do result of this then the chances are that you will become unstuck.

The above CV Styles content is based on extracts from a CV book by one of our senior consultants, and is not for copy or distribution.
© copyright Paul Hichens 2011. All rights reserved.

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