CV Personal Profiles

Most people in the UK include personal profiles on their CV, and it is certainly a good idea to do so as good personal profiles give the employer an immediate idea of the (professional and personal) qualities you bring to the table. Indeed, the profile is one of the best places on your CV to express your own personal qualities.

This is highly significant, however many people forget this.



As you can imagine, at CV Consultants we receive many CVs to improve. One of the things which is evident is that most people undersell themselves, and that many people struggle writing a good strong profile.

This is highly significant, because the first part of your CV is extremely important, and if you don't make a good enough first impression then the rest of it may not get read.

please see below for more tips...


tips on adding CV personal profiles


1>Don't confuse your personal profile with resume / CV objectives. These are completely different things.

2> Try not to overcomplicate things. The whole purpose of the personal profile is that it gets read by the employer and entices him/her. If your personal profile is too long and complex then it is going to deter employers, not attract them.

3> Make it relevant to your target job.

4> Use positive action words

5> Don't forget about including skills and competencies in your profile

6> If in doubt get professional help

Writiing your personal profile

Personal profiles are notoriously difficult to write, so it isn't too surprising that people struggle with them, indeed some professional writers also struggle with them. However, at CV consultants we have vast expertise writing powerful, well targeted, optimised profiles to make employers sit up and take notice of you. So if you want to make a good impression then you have come to the right place.

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These CV personal profile tips are taken in parts from an original, comprehensive CV book by Paul, one of our senior

CV writers

It is not for copy or distribution.

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