Professional CV

A professional CV is effectively a CV which has been written by professional CV writer, rather than a layman, or someone who has just written their CV themselves.

More information is provided below


Advice and further information on professional CVs

So how does a professional CV differ from a DIY CV?

The main, and most tangible difference is that, as you would expect,  a professional CV usually gets better results in the job market. And this is the thing that should be of most interest to you.

Depending on who you listen to, a professional CV can improve your prospects of a job interview by many times. Six times is a figure which is commonly quoted. However, there is no way of knowing the exact figure, moreover, the figure will depend on who does the writing, because just as in any profession, some CV writers are far better than others, and consequently, some professional CVs are far better than others.

Suffice to say that if you engage a professional writer to create your CV for you, then in most cases this should improve your job prospects, and if you use the best writers then it can dramatically improve your job prospects.

What can a professional CV writer do that I can't?

At first glance there isn't much difference between a professional CV and some better presented DIY CVs.  That said, most professional CV writers can further improve the presentation of CVs which already look good.

Similarly, professional CV writers often use the same kinds of formats and sections as most people, although not always. And professional writers tend to be more flexible. Indeed, you need to be more flexible if you are to optimise the CV properly for particular jobs. Professional writers also have the experience to know the kind of things the employers are looking for, and they can tailor your CV accordingly. Most DIY CVs tend not to be optimised for target jobs, which is one reason why they are usually less effective. Another reason is that most people undersell themselves on their CV – significantly many people don’t even know they are underselling themselves until they have their CV re-written by a professional and see the difference.

And it is not just a matter of adding achievements any old how. A lot of people have good achievements, but they don’t have the natural writing talent, skills or experience to get them across powerfully.  Sales and marketing companies know how to get across a powerful message concisely, and the best CV writers can do exactly the same with your CV.

About this article's author
This original article is based on extracts from a comprehensive curriculum vitae book by Paul Hichens, our head CV writer and the specialist who developed our own unique brand of highly effective CV writing methods.

Reproduction is prohibited without prior consent.

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