CV Content

Help & Advice

CV content is often underestimated. This explains why people who copy CV examples and templates are less successful than those who take a more targeted approach, and carefully optimise their CV content for a particular job or job type in a sharp, focused, high impact manner.

Effectively, CV content is the meat on the bones of your CV and is what ultimately will (or will not) sell you to an employer. Poor CV content will almost certainly confine your CV straight to the bin.

What you say in your curriculum vitae can therefore be pivotal to your job applications

See below for more information and advice

More information on CV Content

Good CV content may (or may not) get you noticed, this really depends upon the job requirements and how good your competition is. If you want the best results then you really should be aiming at top-quality CV content. As you might imagine this is easier said than done, and not only takes excellent English, but also experience, intelligence, creative prowess and even sales skills to some degree.

At CV consultants we regularly receive CVs in a variety of shapes, styles, formats and sizes to improve. They usually vary enormously. However, one constant which crops up pretty much every time is that the content can always be improved (and in many cases substantially). By content we mean the content on your CV as a whole including the profile,

work experience section

, or

education/training section

, skills and competencies etc. Significantly,good content isn't necessarily the same as much content as possible. On the contrary, good content is often selective, and you have to know what to exclude as well as what to include if you want the best results.

In layman's terms, when you come to CV we not only help you with the bones of your CV, but we also have the expertise, experience and know-how to help you put the meat on those bones to prompt employers to sit up and take notice of you, rather than your competitors.

This original CV content article is based on extracts from a comprehensive CV book by one of our senior consultants. It is not for copy or distribution.

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